TBX11k database for TB detection.

  • Database reference: [LWB+20]

  • The original database contains samples of healthy, sick (no TB), active and latent TB cases. There is a total of 11702 samples in the database. Healthy and sick individuals are kept in separate folders. Latent and active TB cases are merged in the same directory. One must check the radiological annotations to understand if samples contain either, or both (latent and active TB) signs.

  • There is one case of patient (file imgs/tb/tb1199.png), that is inside the tb folder, but contains no annotations. This sample was excluded from our splits.

  • There are 30 cases of patients that have both active and latent TB radiological signs, over the entire database. Those samples were also excluded from our splits:

    • imgs/tb/tb0135.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0142.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0154.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0167.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0190.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0246.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0255.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0279.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0284.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0350.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0378.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0392.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0395.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0501.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0506.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0526.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0543.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0639.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0640.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0667.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0676.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0713.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0786.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0870.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0875.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0945.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0949.png

    • imgs/tb/tb0968.png

    • imgs/tb/tb1104.png

    • imgs/tb/tb1143.png

  • Original train database samples:

    • Healthy: 3000

    • Sick (but no TB): 3000

    • Active TB only: 473

    • Latent TB only: 103

    • Both active and latent TB: 23

    • Unknown: 1

    • Total: 6600

  • Original validation database samples:

    • Healthy: 800

    • Sick (but no TB): 800

    • Latent TB only: 36

    • Active TB only: 157

    • Both active and latent TB: 7

    • Total: 1800

  • Original test database samples:

    • Unknown: 3302

    • Total: 3302

  • Because the test set does not have annotations, we generated train, validation and test databases as such:

    • The original validation database becomes our test set.

    • The original train database is split into new train and validation splits (validation ratio = 0.203 w.r.t. original train database size). The selection of samples is stratified (see comments through our split code, which is shipped alongside this file.)


Raw data organization

The TBX11k base datadir, which you should configure following the Setup instructions, must contain at least these two subdirectories:

  • imgs/ (directory containing sub-directories and images in PNG format)

  • annotations/ (directory containing labels in JSON and XML format)

Data specifications:

  • Raw data input (on disk): PNG images 8 bits RGB, 512 x 512 pixels

  • Output image:

    • Transforms:

      • Load raw PNG with PIL

      • Convert to torch tensor

    • Final specifications:

      • RGB, encoded as a 3-plane tensor using 32-bit floats, square (512x512 pixels)

      • Labels: 0 (healthy, latent tb or sick but no tb depending on the protocol), 1 (active tuberculosis), as a torch float tensor.

      • Bounding-boxes: indicating regions of the image that corroborate (active or latent TB diagnostics).


JSON Encoding

Details of the encoding of database splits in JSON format.

For healthy/sick (no TB)/latent TB cases, each sample is represented by a filename, relative to the root of the installed database, followed by the number 0 (negative class).

For active TB cases, each sample is represented by a filename, followed by the number 1, and then by 1 or more 5-tuples with radiological finding locations, as described above.

This module contains the base declaration of common data modules and raw-data loaders for this database. All configured splits inherit from this definition.

Module Attributes


Pythonic name of this database.


Key to search for in the configuration file for the root directory of this database.


Type of objects in our JSON representation for this database.



Collate samples that include bounding boxes.


DataModule(split_path[, ignore_bboxes])

TBX11k database for TB detection.


A specialized raw-data-loader for the TBX11k database. = 'tbx11k'

Pythonic name of this database. = 'datadir.tbx11k'

Key to search for in the configuration file for the root directory of this database. TypeAlias = tuple[str, int] | tuple[str, int, tuple[tuple[int, int, int, int, int]]]

Type of objects in our JSON representation for this database.

For healthy/sick (no TB)/latent TB cases, each sample is represented by a filename, relative to the root of the installed database, followed by the number 0 (negative class).

For active TB cases, each sample is represented by a filename, followed by the number 1, and then by 1 or more 5-tuples with radiological finding locations, as described above.[source]

Collate samples that include bounding boxes.

This allows us to have torchvision.tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes that can contain zero to multiple boxes, which is not supported by the default collate function that uses torch.stack() for batching.


The given batch.


Bases: RawDataLoader

A specialized raw-data-loader for the TBX11k database.


ignore_bboxes (bool) – If True, sample() does not return bounding boxes.

datadir: Path

This variable contains the base directory where the database raw data is stored.


Load a single image sample from the disk.


sample (Any) – A tuple containing the path suffix, within the database root folder, where to find the image to be loaded, an integer, representing the sample target, and possible radiological findings represented by bounding boxes.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Any]


The sample representation.


Load only sample target from its raw representation.


sample (Any) – A tuple containing the path suffix, within the dataset root folder, where to find the image to be loaded, and an integer, representing the sample target.

Return type:



The label corresponding to the specified sample, encapsulated as a 1D torch float tensor.

bounding_boxes(sample, canvas_size)[source]

Load image annotated bounding-boxes from the disk.

  • sample (Any) – A tuple containing the path suffix, within the database root folder, where to find the image to be loaded, an integer, representing the sample target, and possible radiological findings represented by bounding boxes.

  • canvas_size (tuple[int, int]) – Size of the full image.

Return type:

tuple[Tensor | None, Tensor | None]


Bounding box annotations, if any available with the sample, and their targets (1 for active TB, 0 for latent TB region).

class, ignore_bboxes=False)[source]

Bases: CachingDataModule

TBX11k database for TB detection.

  • split_path (Path | Traversable) – Path or traversable (resource) with the JSON split description to load.

  • ignore_bboxes (bool) – If True, sample() does not return bounding boxes.