Database and types specialized for semantic segmentation tasks.
AV-DRIVE dataset for Vessel Segmentation. |
CHASE-DB1 dataset for vessel segmentation. |
ChestX-ray8: Hospital-scale Chest X-ray Database. |
DRHAGIS dataset for Vessel Segmentation. |
DRIONS-DB (training set) for Optic Disc Segmentation. |
Drishti-GS1 for Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation. |
DRIVE dataset for vessel segmentation. |
HRF dataset for vessel segmentation. |
IOSTAR (training set) for vessel and optic-disc segmentation. |
Japanese Society of Radiological Technology dataset for lung segmentation. |
Montgomery database for lung segmentation. |
REFUGE for optic disc and cup segmentation. |
RIM-ONE r3 (training set) for cup segmentation. |
Shenzhen DataModule for computer-aided semantic sementation of lungs. |
STARE dataset for vessel segmentation. |